When you write a class, method or property in your actionscript code, its a good idea to add some ekstra information to each element. Theese ekstra information are written in the special javadoc syntax, like this:

Example with actionscript & javadoc 1
* This is an example method to show how javadoc tags are used
* in actionscript
public function myMethod():void{

In the actionscript above the javadoc syntax starts with a '/**', which is a multiline comment tag with an ekstra star. This indicates that thet javadoc section starts. After that there is a generel description of the actionscript method. You can add more tags to get better documentation of your actionscript classes, as shown in the next piece of actionscript:

Example with actionscript & javadoc 2
* This actionscript methods add 2 numbers
*@param number1 The first number to add
*@param number2 The second number to add
*@return The sum of the 2 numbers
public function add2Numbers(number1:Number, number2:Number):void{

As before, we start with a '/**' followed by a description of the method. After that there is a description of each parameter the actionscript method takes, and finally there is a description of the return value the method returns.

Only documentation of public and protected elements
Only public classes, methods and properties are supported, and only if they are specificly are declared public or protected.

The following javadoc tag are supported for classes

The following javadoc tag are supported for methods

The following javadoc tag are supported for properties
Only a general description are supported for properties.

Besides that it supports the generel description in the beginning of a javadoc comment.

Javadoc is not just for Ortelius
Javadoc is a general standard. So if you decide to use another actionscript documentation generating tool than Ortelius, you can switch right away.