Download Ortelius and get an easy way to generate javascript or actionscript 3 documentation. Oretlius is made for windows and to use it you need the .NET framework.

>> Version
An windows installer file for installing Ortelius You need to have .NET installed.
I have experiened that with some versions of Windows, it takes a long time from clicking install, to the installation actualy starts, so please be patient.
If you already has Ortelius installed, you need to uninstall your current version to upgrade to a new versions.

Older version
If you want a older version which also supports actionscript you will find it here.
>> Version

To use this application to generate actionscript documentation you have to have the .NET framework installed on your computer. If you use windows XP, there is a good chance that it is already installed, but it is not for shure.

If you do not have the framework installed you can download it for free from one of Microsofts sites.
>> Download .net 3.5 framework